More guided walks now starting at 4 PM

Wel­come to Rome’s Ulti­mate.

For ten years we have been pro­vid­ing unfor­get­table expe­ri­ences for you in the form of guided walks, pri­vate tours, and an engag­ing nightlife. Our guides are expe­ri­enced, edu­cated, charis­matic and enjoy doing one thing above all oth­ers; shar­ing their love for The Eternal City.

Rome's Ultimate

Some of the sites we see. Piazza del Popolo all the way to Castel Sant’Angelo

With Rome’s Ultimate you will have an inter­ac­tive, engag­ing walk through the city that has captivated the masses for centuries. Instead of bom­bard­ing you with his­tor­i­cal dates, we offer a casual stroll through the city, hop­ing to share some of the same won­der that has cap­ti­vated thou­sands of peo­ple over the centuries.

Rome's Ultimate Flyer Back

Itinerary, contact information, and where we meet

“The trav­eler who has con­tem­plated the ruins of ancient Rome may con­ceive some imper­fect idea of the sen­ti­ments which they must have inspired when they reared their heads in the splen­dor of unsul­lied beauty.” — Mark Twain

The walk is absolutely free, so everybody can enjoy this open air archaeological site. Our guides work on tips, and while they are appre­ci­ated, the ulti­mate goal is that you leave Rome with a truly unique experience. Unlike the imper­sonal Bus Tours, or chaotic 50+ umbrella lead tours, we take a small group of around 15 peo­ple and have an open dis­cus­sion of the city. Ques­tions are strongly encour­aged, because our guides love to interact with our customers and it creates an environment where the teacher can learn from the student.

At this time no reser­va­tions are nec­es­sary. We are try­ing to keep the groups small, so if you have a ques­tion about avail­abil­ity please con­tact : +39 342 3238040

We meet at (Metro A, stop Faminio) every­day at 11 AM and we’ve recently added a second tour starting at 4 PM. Our walks are in Eng­lish only and they last about two hours, stopping right in front of the Vatican. We hope to see you there!

Mistaken Identities: How to Identify a Roman Emperor

This is just wonderful.

A lecture by Mary Beard, Professor of Classics, at Cambridge University. I’m adding this because we talk about both Julius Caesar and Augustus quite a bit on our walks.